Exercise Workshops

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If you are interested in Olympic Lifting, Power Lifting or Kettle Bell Training but have never been sure where to start or worried about getting your technique right then you’re looking in the right place.

RL PT aims to offer workshops on these three training methods, ensuring that all clients learn correct technique in a safe environment whilst detailing the benefits of these resistance training methods and teaching clients how best to incorporate these lifts into their workout routine moving forwards.

These sessions are a flat charge per person see price list and are to be pre-booked on-line.  All prospective attendees at the workshop will need to complete a PAR-Q form prior to the workshop download here.

So, what are you waiting for, contact us and book your place now.  Please note that these workshops are for a maximum of 8 people and it is first come first served.  If a workshop is full then you shall be put on the waiting list for the next one.


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